Oracle of Seasons/ Oracle of Ages- Not your typical type of aggro game title terms. It's not like "The Mask of Evil Darkness" Majora's Mask- Alliteration is good here, and it doesn't just tell you what the mask's deal is. Ocarina of Time - Not a typical instrument you see in a game title. Also was originally proto Assassin's Creed. Play on words, a bit mysterious and open to interpretation.

The Adventure of Link- A bit plain, but goodĪ Link to the Past- Oh shit. Has someone's name which avoids the "Legend of " pitfall Even adjusting for how old the series is and how many entries it has had, it's better than most series in this regard. They manage to avoid the "Origins," "Shadow," "Fate," "_fall," bland title plague, and each sounds pretty evocative, and enticing.

It was generic sounding, and it made me realise who good Zelda titles are overall.

There was a recent fake title someone fake leaked for attention.